
December 2, 2020 Alvarado Dental Clinic0

And December arrived.

Llegó diciembre a Alvarado Dental Clinic

It is time to take stock of the year we have lived. How can we sum it up in a few words? Well, it has been a difficult year, a year in which we have realised how vulnerable we are, in which we have lost many lives and in which many people have been left behind. A chaotic year in which we have been learning day by day how to manage in really unheard of situations. But despite the one that is falling, this month is magical. December is a month full of emotions and after everything we have been through so far, it is not the time to break down and devote ourselves to free sentimentality. It’s clear that many of the things we normally do around this time of year we won’t be able to do, but… so what?

OK, we can’t all get together at the same table for dinner, but the important thing is that we’re all there, even though we’re all at home, and better times will come. We won’t be able to have a company dinner with a celebration party afterwards either, it’s all right, next year. The Three Kings’ Parade will be shown on TV at a more relaxed pace. Now, at this time, we have to be more responsible than ever and not do stupid things that spoil everything. Some of us are going to have a few days’ holiday and others will have to work, but what we all have to do is enjoy and celebrate life, each one of us in the way that we can or want to, and try to catch and spread the Christmas spirit. As we do every year, we would like to thank our patients from the bottom of our hearts for having been by our side even in the most complicated moments. And finally, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


November 27, 2020 Alvarado Dental Clinic0

We are undoubtedly facing a different kind of holiday and the uncertainty in which we have been immersed lately gives us a feeling of significant exhaustion.  Covid19 has shown us how vulnerable we are and has turned the world upside down.

Vacaciones en Alvardo Dental Clinic

At Alvarado Dental Clinic we are going to take a few days’ holiday to rest, to get our strength back, to escape a little from this difficult reality that we are having to live with and to return with all the energy that our patients deserve.

This is how things are going and we cannot change them, but we are going to exercise responsibility together and we are not going to forget the recommendations that we hear so much about in all the media:


Our clinic is a safe space where protocols are strictly followed. We said it was going to be weird at first and it certainly was, but after three months we are more than used to this new normality.



Dear patients,

At last we can say that we are on the verge of meeting again and we wanted to share relevant information with all of you and transmit a message of tranquillity and, above all, of security.

Novedades en Alvarado Dental Clinic [COVID-19]

First of all, we wanted to thank all the professionals who have been in the front line of this serious pandemic, working tirelessly so that those of us who have stayed at home responsibly would not lack anything. THANK YOU.

Reality has given an important slap in the face to all sectors of our society. No one expected this. We were not prepared to face this virus and it has cost more than we would have liked to provide ourselves with all the necessary guarantees.

At Alvarado Dental Clinic we made the hard decision not to open our doors to anything other than serious emergencies until we were completely sure that we had all the right equipment to guarantee maximum protection for both patients and internal staff:

  • We have provided ourselves with the most advanced equipment for air disinfection.
  • We have acquired the only reactor on the market which, apart from sterilising by ultraviolet radiation, also does so by photocatalysis and also has a particle filter.
  • We will be wearing special suits.
  • We will ask you for a series of recommendations. For example, go to the clinic without earrings, bracelets or rings.
  • We will also have to ask you some uncomfortable questions, for example, if you have been in contact with someone who is infected, if you have passed the virus or if you have had a fever or a cough in the last 15 days…
  • We have installed protective screens in both reception and offices.
  • We will all go with masks.
  • We will have to keep a safe distance (that is the worst thing we will wear, with what we like to cuddle you…)

It will be strange at first, but we will get used to it. In our clinic, health and safety will always come first.

See you soon.


October 25, 2019 Alvarado Dental Clinic0

The odontophobia is an irrational and extreme fear that he has to the dentist and is noted by many patients as an excuse for not attending regular check- ups.

According to the World Health Organization, 15% of the population suffers from this phobia.

Odontophobia: fear of your dentist?

At Alvarado Dental Clinic, we have solutions to guarantee comfort and tranquility during your visit and that it ultimately becomes a positive experience by applying the WITHOUT PAIN program:

  • Topical anesthesia before any procedure.
  • Music therapy.
  • Inhalation sedation or Happy gas.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Adequate environmental design.
  • Total privacy.

In our dental clinic in Valencia we guarantee your comfort. We will make you feel at home so that your visit to the dentist is pleasant and totally enjoyable.


September 10, 2019 Alvarado Dental Clinic0

On June 24th, the VIII edition of the ‘Premios A tu Salud’ was held in Madrid. On this occasion, the Minister of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare, María Luisa Carcedo, accompanied by the Regional Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, and the Director of the La Razón newspaper, Francisco Marhuenda, were in charge of presenting the awards, along with around 1000 people from the entire health sector.

El Dr. Miguel Alvarado galardonado en los premios A TU SALUD

Dr. Miguel Alvarado, CEO of Alvarado Dental Clinic, was awarded the ‘Prize for the new Abil System implantology system’, with which patients with severe bone atrophy can be rehabilitated without bone grafting or sinus lift by performing the definitive immediate loading within a maximum of 7 days.

El Dr. Miguel Alvarado galardonado en los premios A TU SALUD
Dr Miguel Alvarado receiving the award from the Minister of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare, María Luisa Carcedo, and Francisco Marhuenda, Director of the newspaper La Razón.

This event has become the health event par excellence in Spain as one of the most important of the year and the level of the winners is increasingly higher. In this edition, together with Dr. Alvarado, Dr. Bonaventura Clotet, as the Best Doctor of the Year, winning the battle against AIDS, the Spanish Society of Pathological Anatomy, the Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit of Hospital Rúber Internacional, great medical professionals of recognised prestige, as well as the CEOs of the main laboratories, researchers and other illustrious representatives of the Spanish public and private health system, have been awarded, among others.

Congratulations to all of them and thank them from here for the very important work that each of them carry out to improve the quality of life of people and society in general.




Author: Dr. Miguel Alvarado Pastor


Clinical case with Strategic Implant ®

This article shows how to solve with an “Immediate Load” implant treatment the case of a patient with a very advanced alveolar atrophy in both jaws, applying the rules of Strategic Implantology developed by Dr. Stefan Ihde y Cols. at the International Implant Foundation (IF). In this case it was decided to place “Strategic Implants ® ” in the upper jaw of the BCS ® model of Ø 3.5 and lengths 17,14,14 and 10 mm and of the ZSI ® model of Ø 4.6 and length 50 mm. In the lower jaw it was decided to place single-phase KOS ® and KOS B ® implants of Ø 3.0 – 3.2 – 3.7 and 4.1 in lengths of 12, 15, 10 and 6 mm. All implants are manufactured in Ti6AI4V (Ihde Dental AG). The use of these types of implants allows the rehabilitation of patients with very atrophic jaws.

Following the rules of “Strategic Implantology” it was possible to rehabilitate the patient without having to perform sinus elevations, bone grafts or lateralization of the tooth. In addition to returning the patient’s teeth immediately, thus restoring chewing function, phonetics and, of course, aesthetics on the same day with provisional resin teeth, the definitive zirconium prosthesis was placed after 4 days, and the patient did not have to wait 9 months or more if treatment had been carried out using a traditional approach.

The speed of the treatment, not having to go through bone grafting operations, breast lifts, lateralisation of the teeth and a high level of aesthetics was greatly appreciated by the patient.


Rehabilitations of patients with very atrophic jaws involve treatments of a high degree of difficulty to rehabilitate with traditional biphasic implants. In addition, these are patients who have been evicted for implants on most occasions (they have been told that they cannot have implants because of lack of bone) or who have to undergo long and painful interventions, such as block bone grafts, sinus elevations or lateralisation of the teeth, with the risks that these entail.

What patients demand from us more and more is immediate solutions, as painless as possible and with the least morbidity, as well as being able to optimise costs.

In this article I intend to show the innumerable advantages of following the philosophy of working with Strategic implant ®, which breaks with the rules and dogmas powerfully established in oral implantology, improving what already exists, innovating and, of course, not replacing it. In summary, these are the concepts of Strategic Implant® :

Discipline and protocol in the manufacture of the prosthesis:

The prosthesis must follow some very easy but strict parameters, such as: splinting of the implants as soon as possible by means of a rigid structure, shape of the prosthetic pieces rounded without very marked edges and, of course, a very stable occlusion, leaving the posterior areas free or in nanoclusion. And all this in record time…

Surgery as the basis of the main work:

All surgery, whatever it may be, must always be very well planned, but with Strategic Implant ® we must also be aware that we are working with atrophied jaws and basal bone, where the measurements of the implants and their location are fundamental to the success of the treatment. In addition, we must have a high level of anatomical knowledge of the jaws, in order to search for an anchorage in the second or third cortices of the implants and to reach them safely, creating a structural polygon between the implants for the subsequent support of the forces exerted by the prostheses.


43 year old female patient, without systemic diseases, who asks us for rehabilitation with implants. During the exploration the patient presents the 1st and 3rd edentulous quadrant, fixed prosthesis from the 12th to the 28th and another fixed prosthesis bridge from the 34th to the 45th and then 3 biphasic with cemented crowns in the shape of premolars reaching the height of 47-48.

Fig. 1 Ortopantomografía preoperativa

In orthopantomography, a large amount of bone atrophy, root remains and infectious processes can be seen in some pieces. The patient states that she is very unhappy with the aesthetics of her prosthesis, in addition to the discomfort caused by the leaks and the bad odours that emanate from it, she also confesses that she is unable to wear both removables because they cause her nausea. All this makes her request the treatment with implants.

The patient had previously consulted different professionals who had told her that she was not a candidate for rehabilitation with implants or that she had to undergo pre-implant operations (bilateral sinus lift, block bone grafting and possible lateralisation of the tooth in the 3rd quadrant). Another solution given to her was to place 6 implants in the upper jaw and 4 in the lower jaw, rehabilitating with two hybrid prostheses, which the patient immediately discarded due to their characteristics.

The following treatment was decided on: exodontia of all the teeth and root remains, as almost all the teeth are very deteriorated due to filtrations, use the 3 biphasic implants which are currently in good condition, and place Basal Implants following the rules of Strategic Implant ® in the upper jaw (BCS ® and Zygomatic ZSI ® – Ihde Dental AG) and in the lower jaw single-phase implants (KOS ® and KOS B ® – Ihde Dental AG). Plus an immediate provisional resin prosthesis and later a definitive zirconium prosthesis.

Fig. 2 . Ortopanorámica postquirúrgica , muestra los implantes estratégicos colocados; (basales BCS ® y cigomáticos ZSI ®) en el maxilar superior y los implantes monofásicos KOS ® en el maxilar inferior así como los tres implantes bifásicos que portaba previamente la paciente.


The patient is given an upper and lower CT scan, study models and records are taken for the preparation of the provisional ones, so that they are available on the day of surgery.

On the day of surgery, the teeth are exodonted and 7 BCS ® strategic implants are placed in the previous group, 5 of which seek anchorage in the floor of the nostrils and 2 in the canine eminences.

4 Zygomatic ZSI ® strategic implants are placed (2 in the right side and 2 in the left side), and in the 2nd quadrant at the height of the tuberosity a BCS ® strategic implant with anchorage in the cortical of the sinus floor and the tuberosity, on the other hand in the 1st quadrant at the height of the tuberosity a KOS ® monophase implant was placed looking for anchorage in the wings of the pterygoid.

Fig. 3 Aspecto radiográfico donde se aprecian los implantes estratégicos BCS® en el grupo anterior y en las eminencias caninas

Fig. 4 y 5. Cortes radiográficos del escáner donde se observan los implantes estratégicos cigomaticos ZSI en ambos lados.

Fig. 5 y 7. Cortes radiográficos del escáner donde se muestran los implantes mas distales, uno con anclaje en la cortical del piso de seno y el otro en la cortical del pterigoides.

The ZSI® strategic zygomatic implants have a totally polished surface, a Ø 4.6, and lengths that go from 35 to 55, these characteristics allow us to place implants looking for the anchorage in the zygoma, through the breast without causing great destruction of it, causing the minimum inflammation, thus facilitating a fast recovery and also achieving with these implants a very strong and safe anchorage to totally rehabilitate the patient with his fixed prosthesis.

In the lower maxilla we proceeded to perform the exodontia of the teeth and we took advantage of the 3 biphasic implants that the patient was already carrying. First 6 KOS ® implants were placed in the previous group and then another 2 in the 3rd quadrant and 1 more in the 4th quadrant.

Once all the implants were in place, the abutments were ground to make them as parallel as possible. The impressions and records were taken for the production of the fixed prosthesis.
Then the provisional one was trimmed, the occlusion adjusted and cemented. During the remaining 4 days, tests were made of the cap, sponge, occlusion adjustments, finishing and cementing of the definitive zirconium prosthesis, with the occlusion following the rules of Strategic Implantology. Subsequently, the appropriate radiographic controls are carried out, as well as possible occlusion adjustments.

Fig. 8. Imagen radiológica del maxilar inferior en la que se puede observar los implantes KOS® colocados y los 3 implantes bifásicos que portaba la paciente

Fig. 9. Vista de la paciente antes de ser intervenida. Fig. 10 Vista de la paciente después de las exodoncias de las piezas dentales y colocación de los implantes. Se procede a tallar los pilares, observe que hay muy poco edema y sangrado. Se procede a tomar las impresiones y restaurar con los provisionales.

Fig. 11 Vista de la paciente ya con la prótesis definitiva colocada Fig. 12 Vista del ajuste oclusal y del ajuste sobre las encías.

Fig. 13. Ortopantomografia de control a los 18 meses.


It is clear that one does not get up one morning and start performing upper and lower rehabilitations with strategic implants (basal and zygomatic) in patients with atrophied jaws. This is a long road, in which one learns from his mistakes and above all from our patients, but following the steps of Strategic Implant ® I am totally convinced that through this new didactic and pedagogical approach to rehabilitate with implants, one always looks ahead, that everything we can imagine ends up becoming reality in a simple way: implants that the neck can be bent to facilitate the axis of insertion of the prosthesis, implants long enough to be able to take advantage of the best available bone, anchoring themselves even to cortices that are difficult to access. In addition, the fact that your body can be bent allows us to make better use of the anatomical repairs or avoid them so as not to damage them. This is without forgetting its totally polished surface, which makes it impossible for bacteria to adhere to the implants.

In Strategic Implantology it is necessary to have a clear idea of where to place the implants, actively seeking the best available bone, bone the best and most stable anchorage areas of the 2nd and/or 3rd cortices, thus improving the areas of load transmission, by creating a support polygon in which the slopes of the occlusal surfaces of the prostheses are part of the load transmission together with the implants and their position in the bone, all of which closely form strategic positions (hence the meaning of the name “Strategic Implantology”) that favour the success of the treatment. The combination of all these fragments is designed to adapt to a living form that constitutes a whole, as it is; the bone, the forces of mastication and how these are transmitted by the implants and in turn to the skeletal architecture of the jaws.

When I sit down with the patient to plan everything, after seeing all the possibilities and listening to their expectations, I like to explain to them that we are going to carry out a living geometric rehabilitation, which actively adapts to their conditions, in an autonomous, guided way and in a very simple and direct manner.


The evolutionary step to “Immediate Loading” is to carry out the rehabilitations of our patients with the guidelines of Strategic implant ®, which guarantee and minimize the risks, increasing the success and satisfaction of our patients in a safe and calm manner. It is evident that this leads to a long and hard learning path, but not impossible, and in any case similar or simpler than others (e.g.: grafts). The philosophy and systematic of Strategic Implant ® is based on the scientific evidence of the Immediate Load implants made by Dr. Stefan Ihde y Cols. at the International Implant Foundation (IF), counting for this with a long biography and with innumerable cases and research works made all over the world, which provide a high content of clinical experience and scientific knowledge, which has simplified the technique enormously and has organized the pedagogy to transmit it to the scientific world of health.

Perhaps the most important change is to be able to change in our minds as health professionals, that all our patients can wear implants and that it is not necessary to perform bone grafts on our patients, means breaking rules and principles that are deeply rooted in our daily lives.
Strategic Implant ® provides us with the necessary tools to be able to be number 1 or 2 in our area in order to provide the best service to our patients and also to be able to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the professionals.

You cannot forget your beginnings, always in a haze, with caution, with fear and learning a lot from our failures, until one day someone comes along and clears your horizon completely. Strategic Implant ® revolutionised my way of rehabilitating my patients, eternally grateful for everything it teaches me, but who I think should be much more grateful are my patients to whom without the guidelines of Strategic implant ® I could never have rehabilitated them in such a satisfactory way for them, carrying out rehabilitations that adapt to each one of them in an active, autonomous and totally guided way in an easy and direct way.

Living geometric restorations, so we feel them as a patient and a servant, one more step of Strategic Implant ®.


  • Ihde & Ihde. Introduction to Working with Strategic Implant 1. International Foundation Publishing. 2015.
  • Ihde & Ihde. Chewing Recipes Book 4. International Foundation Publishing. 2015.
  • Ihde & Ihde. Laboratory Work in Strategic Implants 6. International Foundation Publishing. 2016.
  • New Systematic Terminology of Cortical Bone Areas for Osseofixed Implants in Implantology Stefan Ihde, Antonina Ihde, Valeriy lysenko, V. Konstantinovic, Lukas Palk.


February 22, 2019 Alvarado Dental Clinic0

We have no doubts, we don’t even think about it, we always opt for zirconium crowns.

Coronas de Zirconio vs coronas de metal cerámica

Why? Well, it’s simple: Zirconium is a relatively new material that gives crowns greater strength than metal-ceramic crowns, but at the same time they are lighter.

Zirconium is a material which is totally compatible with the human organism and will not cause any type of allergy as can happen with metal-ceramic ones.
The homogeneous colour and the absence of metal make them more durable in the mouth because, although with the passage of time a little gingival recession may occur, you will never notice that darkened area which used to remain between the gum and the tooth.
Metal-ceramic crowns are opaque in the mouth because the metal does not allow light to pass through, unlike zirconium which is translucent and is infinitely more aesthetic, in fact it is the closest thing to a natural tooth.
Zirconium crowns also have a low thermal conductivity (because they are free of metal parts), therefore there are no strange sensations when eating or drinking cold or hot.

The only disadvantage we find in this product is that the price is a little bit higher. It must be taken into account that the material used to manufacture these crowns is more expensive, the production technology is more complex and the manufacturing is done in specific laboratories and with highly qualified prosthetists.

Even if it is a slightly more expensive product, it is worth investing in it because in health you should not skimp. Our experts in dental aesthetics in Valencia will assist you at all times to make the most appropriate decision.


February 12, 2019 Alvarado Dental Clinic0

You have to make a very important decision and we know that it will be complicated for you because you will find a lot of information: opinions of people, clinics that promise you the gold and the Moor, that give you treatments and that also have the prices by the floor. It is difficult to decide, but you have to take into account a series of factors to make the right decision. We help you:

¿Qué clínica elijo para ponerme implantes en Valencia?

  • Put yourself in the hands of an experienced professional who is constantly recycling and training himself and who uses the best technical means and materials with the best guarantees.
  • The specialist who is going to carry out the treatment is the one who has to evaluate your case and make a diagnosis and a treatment plan. He must explain to you the technique he will use, how he will proceed and why. You must ask him all the questions in the world and he must solve all your doubts before the surgery.
  • Never look for your dental clinic based on the price of the treatments, forget about offers and promotions, nobody gives anything away. Bear in mind that the professionals who are going to attend you in a proper clinic have spent many years training, studying and researching so that the treatments are less invasive, less painful and more lasting. No one looks for the cardiologist who will put in the cheapest valves, so why look for the surgeon who will put in the cheapest implants? Everything has its price. Everything but health.
  • Go to a dental clinic that meets all the requirements of the law regarding sterilisation protocols.

Bear in mind that you are going to have a treatment that must last over time and that will restore your chewing function and aesthetics.

At ALVARADO DENTAL CLINIC we hope that we have cleared up any doubts you may have and we offer to review and explain to you, without any obligation, the most suitable implant treatment in Valencia for you.


November 14, 2018 Alvarado Dental Clinic0

The answer is clear: NO. In fact, no dental procedure need hurt, but there is a deep-seated fear of the dentist, either because of bad experiences from many years ago or because of ignorance, what we commonly call “odontophobia”.

The professionals who dedicate themselves to this branch of medicine, dentistry, have seen the evolution and have contributed every day to practice techniques that are less and less invasive, with more standardized protocols and with less risk.

¿Duelen los implantes dentales?

Specifically, the placement of dental implants, which is the subject at hand, is carried out under local anaesthetic. Even on some occasions, if the patient is very nervous or it is a long surgery, conscious inhalation sedation can be used, so that, during the time the surgery lasts, the patient does not feel any pain.

Most patients are also very concerned about the post-operative period. We have to take into account that at the moment the anaesthesia disappears and the operation is freshly performed, there may be strange sensations, discomfort and uneasiness; never pain. If the patient who has just undergone surgery has no teeth, he will logically feel strange. On the other hand, the anaesthesia is applied by means of punctures and, once the area is awake, the patient may notice a slight swelling and discomfort, as the mouth has been open for longer than usual. However, all these effects are transitory.

The surgeon will administer a pharmacological treatment to avoid any type of complication and make the subsequent days as comfortable as possible. In principle, it is sufficient to take antibiotics to avoid infection, anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid swelling and painkillers to avoid pain.

In addition to the medication, at Alvarado Dental Clinic we have the benefits obtained after the application of the Elexxion laser, which acts to make the healing of the soft tissues faster, minimising inflammation if there is any, and accelerating the process of disappearance of possible haematomas.

In any case, we must take into account that our patients, as a rule, recover more quickly than patients treated with traditional implantology. Dr. Miguel Alvarado performs implant surgeries with a different, effective, safe and scientifically proven technique, without sinus elevation and without bone grafting, making it a much less traumatic, less invasive and cleaner operation from the outset.

Another fundamental premise is that the patient should be actively involved in his or her recovery by carrying out all the measures prescribed, in addition to carrying out the pharmacological treatment to the letter. It is also very important that he commits himself to maintaining scrupulous hygiene and modifies his eating habits until the surgeon discharges him definitively.

In short, implants do not hurt, neither at the time of placement nor during the recovery process.

For more information, we will be happy to assist you, study your case in depth and explain in much more detail the measures we take to make the experience as light as possible.


October 25, 2018 Alvarado Dental Clinic0

The definition of a laser is: “Amplified Light by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”, in other words, it is a high-tech device that generates a beam of light providing an energy. This energy, which has specific properties, interacts with the irradiated tissue to achieve therapeutic effects.

Nuestro láser de diodo Elexxion

At Alvarado Dental Clinic in Valencia we have this revolutionary technology to satisfy the needs of our patients.

With this new procedure, the efficiency of our treatments has been substantially improved and the final results have become more predictable.

Its application makes a great change possible by reducing surgical and patient recovery times, sterilizing the area where it is applied, treating periimplantitis, acting as pain therapy, minimizing inflammation, destroying bacterial colonies at the periodontal level, helping to make healing faster, acting on bacteria in the treatment of aphthae, ulcers, herpes, etc.

Technology implies a better well-being for our patients.


October 15, 2018 Alvarado Dental Clinic0

Tooth whitening, in search of the perfect smileSince the beginning of time, human beings have sought common beauty patterns and teeth have been an important part of some cultures throughout history.

In the Paleolithic, for example, men wished to have large and beautiful canines because in their opinion they were a symbol of strength and health. In ancient Imperial China, women dyed their teeth black, this tradition was called ‘ohaguro’. The Mayans made jade inlays on their teeth and carefully filed the edges to show good social standing.

Blanqueamiento dental, en busca de la sonrisa perfecta

In Western culture teeth have also been the main focus of special care. In pre-Roman Spain, for example, rinsing with aged urine in cisterns was used to achieve whiter teeth. And for more than 100 years, oxygenated water and bleach have been used for the same purpose, together or separately, for teeth whitening in Valencia.

In short, for a long time white teeth and a symmetrical and balanced smile have been and are, symbols of youth, beauty and health. Fortunately, dentistry has been evolving for many years and one of the branches in which this evolution is most evident is aesthetic dentistry. Thanks to it, we can obtain white and healthy teeth without the need to drink strange concoctions and without putting our health at risk.

One of the treatments most demanded by patients today is dental whitening. This is a non-invasive, fast, painless treatment that offers spectacular results. What more could you ask for?

Dental whitening at Alvarado Dental Clinic

If you have any doubts about whether or not to have your teeth whitened, the first thing you should do is come to Alvarado Dental Clinic. Our specialists, after studying your case, will recommend the most suitable type of treatment for you. We always say that each patient is a world and not all whitening treatments are suitable for all cases.

The doctor’s expertise, the application of the most advanced technology in whitening treatments and the diagnosis of the right amounts of whitening agent will, in short, determine truly extraordinary results.

At Alvarado Dental Clinic we only use technology specifically designed for this purpose and safe, effective, scientifically endorsed products that meet all the standards and requirements demanded by European and national legislation.


September 18, 2018 Alvarado Dental Clinic0

Ohaguru is the curious name given in Japan to the custom or tradition of dyeing one’s teeth black. It was mainly done by married women, some men of high social class and the samurai.

There are several versions about the origin and meaning but there is a reason in which they all agree and that is that they did it with aesthetic purposes. On the one hand, it seems that the emperor of Japan decreed that all important married women should not appear in public with white teeth, since dyeing them black meant wealth, sexual maturity and beauty. Later this tradition was extended to almost all women, single, married, rich and poor, and above all it was used to imply that young, almost female, women were ‘ready for marriage’.

Estética dental: Oriente vs Occidente

Another version says that the women had to do it as a symbol of submission to the man, because in this way, the attractive smile that a beautiful lady could have was hidden behind the darkness.

On the other hand, it was also considered a sign of health since the teeth were protected, that’s true, with a kind of varnish that they prepared with earthy oxide, tea and sake and they thought that this would keep them healthy for longer.

For whatever reason, this custom or tradition gave birth to another one, which is still in force today in some parts of Asia. When the fashion for black teeth started to decline, Japanese women, when laughing, covered their mouths with their hands as they were ashamed of their smiles.

It seems that this sign of ‘beauty’ fell into disuse when, according to some authors, the empress who reigned at the end of the 19th century appeared in public with white teeth. Soon after, the government banned this practice (thank God).

And then there is the western world where the fashion in dental aesthetics is quite the opposite, white or extremely white teeth in some cases. Blancorexia, is the term used to define the obsession that some people have for having white teeth, sometimes even putting their oral health at risk by undergoing recurrent whitening treatments and remedies of doubtful effectiveness.

What is undoubtedly true is that a smile with white, aligned teeth and gums in good condition transmits youth, health and beauty.


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We are open from Monday to Friday
From 10h to 15h and from 16h to 20h
* Friday afternoon closed


Calle Colón, 58, Pta. 1
46004 · Valencia, Spain


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