
Today the number of cases of diabetes is growing exponentially due to our sedentary habits. If you suffer from diabetes, you should know exactly what the main situations are that can appear in your oral health. As a dental clinic, we want to give you enough information to avoid this type of problem.

¿Cómo afecta la diabetes a la salud bucodental?

The consequences of diabetes on our oral health

Insufficient insulin, a substance that balances the level of glucose in the blood, can damage our health. It alters our immune system, ensuring the proliferation of bacteria. Therefore, parts like our mouth can be affected by this chronic disease. If we add other factors, such as old age and unhealthy habits such as being a smoker, the possibilities can be increased.

In these situations, the high level of sugar and glucose is transferred to the saliva. The permanent contact of this substance with our teeth and our gums creates an imbalance favouring the appearance of dental bacterial plaque in our mouth.

How does diabetes affect oral health?

Peridontal diseases, carious diseases or symptoms such as dry mouth, slow healing of wounds, inflammations, etc. will appear.

On the one hand, caries is the most common disease among the population. So, if we add diabetes, the situation gets worse. By not controlling the level of glucose in saliva, the probability of proliferation in the tooth enamel increases, producing caries more easily. At this point, it can lead to the weakening of the tooth, or in the worst case, to its falling out. Click here to find out how you can prevent caries.

The prone development of these oral diseases can allow the insertion of all kinds of infections through the fissures. As a result, these bacteria can expose the health of diabetics even further, further complicating the situation.

You should be aware that these kinds of symptoms in your oral health can be a sign of diabetes.

How can you prevent diabetes-related dental problems?

The most important thing is to monitor your blood sugar level to prevent future problems. That is why we recommend it:

  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year or whenever you notice a problem.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene.
  • If you smoke or drink alcohol, you should stop immediately, as these habits aggravate periodontal disease.

The existence of any disease such as diabetes, can easily affect your mouth. For this reason, at Alvarado Dental Clinic, we recommend that you monitor your health in general, carrying out blood or urine tests, to prevent this type of difficulty. In the event of any problem, please contact us, without any obligation.


Finding a good orthodontist is an advantage for your health. When you go for orthodontic treatment, doubts arise such as: in which dental clinic should I have it done? what type of orthodontics should I wear? what should I do if each orthodontist tells me that I need something different?

At Alvarado Dental Clinic we understand that this is a complicated decision. In fact, in most of the treatments carried out by an orthodontist, the same final result can be achieved through different paths. What complicates the decision is the type of orthodontics and its price.

La importancia de elegir un buen ortondoncista

The professionalism of our orthodontists

Here is a decalogue prepared by the Spanish Association of Specialists in Orthodontics (AESOR), to help you choose the right professional:

  • The orthodontist must comply with the training and quality standards established by the EU.
  • It is the orthodontist who has to diagnose, plan and treat each case.
  • The patient should be treated by the same professional, from start to finish. For an oral problem to be correctly corrected, it is necessary to have an adequate follow-up.
  • Special attention must be paid to the offers. For a treatment to be successful, good materials and state-of-the-art technology must be used. There is no such thing as a miracle treatment.
  • A detailed quotation must always be required for all procedures to be followed, including both diagnostic and post-orthodontic tests to avoid surprises.
  • In orthodontics, there is only one diagnosis for each specific case, but there are different plans or strategies. It is necessary to be clear about the plan that best adapts to the needs of each patient and to avoid over-treatment.
  • The success of the treatment depends largely on the collaboration of the patient. Maintaining good dental hygiene, attending check-ups punctually, taking care of the appliances and following the advice of the professional are determining aspects for the success of the treatment.
  • With the passing of the years, small changes can occur in the position of the teeth, which is why it is very important to continue with the maintenance visits. Relapses have a good solution if they are treated in time.
  • The orthodontist has to inspire confidence and care properly. Very important: the patient must always sign the informed consent form.
  • All cases have a solution if they are treated by a suitable specialist.

Make sure that your professional is trustworthy

Just like a surgeon or a specialist doctor, the orthodontist is another fundamental pillar for your health. Visit and make sure of the services offered by each one of them.


Perhaps because of some bad experience in the past, some people become afraid to go to the dentist, or even panic.

At Alvarado Dental Clinic we are aware of this. And that is why, in our dental clinic, the comfort and peace of mind of the patient is above all else. We believe that tranquillity must be cultivated and fear of going to the dentist must be avoided. There are patients who have no aversion to dentists and patients to whom the same situation causes moments of tension or stress. Therefore, transmitting physical and emotional peace of mind seems to us to be of the utmost importance.

¿Cómo superar el miedo a ir al dentista?

Open, comfortable and peaceful spaces

In order to cultivate that state of tranquility, at Alvarado Dental Clinic we have open and comfortable spaces.  Spaces that breathe calm, so that patients can feel relaxed at all times.

We know that we deal with people and that not all of them think and feel in the same way, so they do not approach situations in the same way. In this way, we present ourselves in a way that is close and predisposed to generating a familiar and welcoming environment. We invite you to take a tour of all our facilities using Google Maps. You will see that everything is designed to avoid that fear of going to the dentist.

Our family treatment

At Alvarado Dental Clinic we are happy to provide any type of information or resolve any doubts with the main aim of guaranteeing our patients’ peace of mind and achieving satisfactory results.


Dentistry is a science that covers many aspects, making it a science with many fields. After the study of dentistry, there is a division and specialization that allows them to cooperate in the same team. In this way, a synergy is achieved to carry out the entire dental treatment.

Therefore, in order to carry out comprehensive and quality treatment, these professionals undergo intensive practical training. This provides the necessary experience to give the patient confidence and seriousness in the intervention.

Odontología: combinación de disciplinas

How is dentistry divided?

We could say that the fields in which dentistry is divided or classified are the following:

  • Preventive dentistry. The main objective of this is to maintain oral health in good condition and to acquire good habits.
  • Conservative. Restoration of hard tissues of the tooth that have been destroyed by caries, trauma, etc.
  • Paediatric dentistry. The branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment of children.
  • Maxillofacial surgery. It includes everything from the extraction of a tooth to the elevation of the maxillary sinus, bone grafts or the removal of a cyst or tumour.
  • Implantology. This deals with replacing missing teeth through the surgical placement of implants.
  • Periodontics. Treats everything related to the structures that form and surround the teeth (gums, bone, support tissue, etc.).
  • Endodontics. Deals with diseases related to the pulp of the teeth.
  • Orthodontics. This discipline deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of anomalies of shape, position, relation and function of the dentomaxillofacial structures.
  • Rehabilitation. Part of dentistry that is responsible for restoring functional and aesthetic characteristics by means of dental prostheses.

A profession with a vocation

If you add your work and your vocation, you create the perfect job. If you add, help and improve a smile, it is special. At Alvarado Dental Clinic, we help you with enthusiasm to solve your dental health.


Periodontitis occurs when an inflammation or infection of the gums (gingivitis) occurs and is not treated. Periodontics is the part of dentistry that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the gums (tissue that holds the tooth).

¿Cómo detectar la periodontitis?

Risk factors

  • Smoking. It is one of the most common causes associated with the development of gum disease. In addition, if you have gum disease and continue to smoke, you may reduce your chances of successfully completing your treatment.
  • Hormonal changes in girls and women. These changes can make the gums more sensitive and make it easier for gingivitis to develop.
  • Diabetes. People with diabetes are at greater risk for developing infections, including gum disease.
  • Other diseases. Diseases such as cancer or AIDS and their treatments can also affect the health of the gums.
  • Medicines. There are many prescription and over-the-counter medications that can reduce the flow of saliva. They act as protection, leaving our system vulnerable to infections such as gum disease.
  • Genetic susceptibility. Some people are more prone than others to severe periodontal disease.

How do I know if I have periodontitis?

Symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Bad breath that does not go away.
  • Red or swollen gums.
  • Sensitive or bleeding gums.
  • Painful chewing.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Sensitive teeth.
  • Retracted gums or longer visible part of the teeth.

How is gum disease treated?

The main goal of periodontal disease treatment is to control the infection. The number and types of treatments will vary depending on the extent of the gum disease. That is why it is important that at the slightest sign of periodontitis you go to your dental clinic and get a diagnosis to be sure. It is very important, that if you suffer from this disease, you maintain good daily care at home.


Why should I have an implantology treatment in Valencia? Valencia is a complete city full of attractions, that is why we think that our patients should enjoy a pleasant stay there, at the same time as the dental treatments are carried out.

The choice of this city is not random. Valencia is culture, cinema, theatre, museums, music, commerce… Its location makes it the perfect gateway to the Mediterranean, from which you can also breathe the breeze in the various cities with a port to the sea. It completes this charm with the proximity of the mountains and the cultural attraction.

Implantología en Valencia

That is why, at Alvarado Dental Clinic we organize your trip and offer you our collaboration, to make your stay easier and more comfortable. In this way, your implantology in Valencia will be pleasant and profitable.

How to plan your visit to Valencia?

We explain to you, as a guide, how you can plan your visit:

  • Contact us. You can contact us by telephone or e-mail. Click here.
  • How to get there. After the evaluation of the case and the acceptance of the estimate, an appointment will be made at the clinic.
  • Visit to the clinic. Meeting with the coordinator at the clinic, to explain in person the steps of the procedure to be followed.
  • Intervention. On the day of the intervention, our priority is the patient’s comfort and peace of mind. In the case of implantology, the patient will have the freedom to eat and speak, thanks to the placement of the implants and provisional teeth.
  • Check-ups. In order to avoid inflammation, pain or sensitivity, revisions will be carried out in which the diode laser will be applied.

It is important that if the patient has x-rays, he or she should provide us with them so that we can study his or her case in greater depth. This consultation is free of charge.


Preventing caries is of vital importance to our general health. It is one of the most frequent dental pathologies in children and elderly people, although we can all suffer from it. Caries can cause us to lose our teeth due to certain bacteria. These bacteria wear down the enamel and move towards the interior, becoming very painful depending on the state in which it is found.

At Alvarado Dental Clinic, we want to give you our advice.

¿Cómo prevenir la caries?

How do we identify caries?

We can identify the production of caries if we observe that the tooth is changing colour. At first, white stains usually appear that turn brown when the cavity has already crossed the enamel, at which point a cavity is formed.

In the case of reaching the extreme, when it touches the nerve of the tooth, other symptoms will appear such as pain or swelling in the gum. Unfortunately, the end result will be the wear of the root and the falling out of the tooth.

How to prevent caries?

The most important thing is a good prevention in order not to have symptoms of caries. As prevention we recommend:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene, establishing brushing routines.
  • Avoid foods with a high sugar content. Replace them with other healthier ones, such as wholemeal, fruit and vegetables.
  • Stop smoking. It reduces our immune capacity, feeding the proliferation of bacteria.
  • Carry out fluoride rinses. After brushing, it helps to strengthen the enamel and hinders the appearance of the bacteria that cause cavities.
  • Educate children about the importance of good oral hygiene. Parents are a very important influence, as lack of awareness is one of the main factors.
  • Use dental floss. With it, a deeper dental cleaning can be carried out and it is complementary to brushing.
  • Seal any fissures that may be present to avoid the proliferation of caries.

Do caries affect our body?

The answer is yes.  We should know that our body contains 48 billion bacteria, but the bacterium Streptococcus mutans, is one of the bacteria that damages our body.

It can have a significant impact on our bodies in the long term. As soon as the bacteria touches the blood vessel located under the tooth, it can enter our circulatory system, reaching other organs such as the brain, lungs or heart.  The infection of this bacteria in these organs can cause us very dangerous diseases, such as pneumonia, gastritis, nephritis or a vascular accident. That is why it is very important to prevent caries, so that these problems do not appear.

Visit your dentist

Without a doubt the best prevention is to visit our trusted dentist regularly. He can help us prevent, treat and monitor our condition. He is also the professional who can best guide us in the development of good oral habits.

We think that a dental cavity has an easy solution, it is true. But it is easier to prevent it and to have a beautiful smile.


You probably know someone who says he grinds his teeth at night or has a sore mouth in the morning. If you are in the same situation, this discomfort is due to bruxism. It is an unconscious habit that is usually acquired at an early age and we can identify it if we feel facial, head, neck or dental pain when we wake up. Pain can also be felt in the ears, in the back and sensitivity when consuming cold or hot food. Stress is the main factor.

El bruxismo

Do you have bruxism?

Faced with this situation, we must know that the most important thing is to know the cause that provokes it, because although it can be stopped, it is important that if we are going through a bad period that causes us stress, complementary treatments must be sought.

Bruxism can bring about a series of consequences that, if not tackled, can be aggravated, such as: the loosening of pieces, their deterioration, the destruction of the bone that supports the tooth or the temporomandibular syndrome (alteration of the upper maxillary hinge that connects with the lower jaw and makes it not move correctly). To alleviate these symptoms, we can use the well-known discharge splint, which will relieve the pain.

What can I do to avoid bruxism?

The treatment of this syndrome depends on the circumstances the person is going through, so a series of tips are recommended:

  • Sleep well. Avoid bad postures and try to sleep the recommended 7 or 8 hours of rest.
  • Carry out relaxation exercises.
  • Drink plenty of water. Avoid foods that prevent you from chewing well and that are too hard or too sweet.
  • Maintain an upright posture when walking and sitting.
  • Apply warm cloths or ice cream to the area.

Put a solution to it

If you suffer from any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you visit your dentist. He will ask you questions and do tests to determine if you are suffering from bruxism and to treat it. A timely treatment can avoid pain, discomfort and future consequences. Take care of your mouth!


One of the most important elements when it comes to cleaning your mouth is having a good toothbrush. When you choose a toothbrush, make sure it is a brush with soft bristles that allows you to reach all areas of your mouth easily.

Remember that it is vital that you have a good brush and fluoride toothpaste to suit your oral needs.

Elige un buen cepillo dental

How do I clean my teeth properly?

We normally brush our teeth horizontally. However, the ideal cleaning should be done vertically, from the gum to the tooth, without forgetting to brush the tongue from the inside out.

To thoroughly clean your mouth, clean your tongue. Do this gently, without putting too much pressure on it, as this can damage the tissue. This simple action helps prevent bad breath and removes the bacteria that build up on your tongue. The same goes for the palate.

Our experts recommend that we divide the mouth into 4 sectors and devote 30 seconds to each sector. Brushing should take approximately two minutes.

And if you want to get a better result, a dental cleaning is the best option.

When should I change my toothbrush?

At Alvarado Dental Clinic we recommend changing your toothbrush every three or four months. This guarantees better oral cleaning, as the bristles of the brush become deformed and lose their effectiveness. Even so, change your toothbrush if you notice that the bristles are wearing out earlier, if you have had a flu, a throat or mouth infection, because germs can remain in the bristles and reactivate the infection.

What is the recommended amount of toothpaste in each brush?

The ideal size of toothpaste is the same as the size of a pea. If you put too much in, you will lather up and probably spit out, causing you to finish brushing your teeth before the recommended two minutes.

Find the toothpaste that best suits your needs. Some have components to prevent bleeding gums, or improve your breath.

Find a good toothbrush

Even if you think you have healthy dental habits, make sure you find a toothbrush that guarantees good cleaning and fits your mouth. Ask your dentist what is best for your teeth.


Director Miguel Alvarado tells us how they understand dentistry in his dental clinic. Many dentists use their services to generate high patient traffic, providing a low quality service. For this reason, many people show distrust in the figure of the dentist. This is caused by bad experiences in the past or by uncomfortable situations.

But without a doubt, there is a good side to dentistry. This is what Doctor Miguel Alvarado tells us:

Conoce al dr. Miguel Alvarado

Presentation of Dr. Miguel Alvarado

“My name is Miguel Alvarado and I am delighted to tell you how we understand dentistry in our clinic. With more than 25 years of experience, our philosophy is focused on continuous improvement and learning with each patient.

That is why when one of our patients comes to us with a dental problem, our way of doing things dictates that we recommend a long-term solution and not a patch-up. We do not sell short term treatments, but we look for the definitive solution.

Thanks to this way of thinking, we have no customers. We have patients to whom we offer a totally personalised and unique treatment. Furthermore, with our facilities and our continuous commitment to the latest technological innovations in the dental market, we offer our patients all the comforts to guarantee them maximum peace of mind and efficiency.

In our dental clinic we are here to improve the oral health of the patient and we adapt to their needs. It is very important to have a healthy mouth, it is time to take the plunge.

If you come to Alvarado Dental Clinic, I will be delighted to see you personally and make a completely free diagnosis.

Take care of your mouth, it is very important”.

We have more to offer you

If you would like to know more about us, how we think or what our clinic facilities are like, we invite you to visit us or contact us.


You may not have heard the word onyxophagy many times. However, you know very well what we are talking about. This word comes from the Greek “onyx”, which means nail, and “phagein”, which means to eat. In other words, it is the compulsive habit of eating or gnawing at your nails with your teeth.

Many people think that this urge to bite their nails is typical of people who have anxiety or stress. We could say that this disorder is accompanied by these psychological problems, but really, it is due to another cause, and has a lot to do with dentists. Find out and find the answer in our post.

Onicofagia, la costumbre de morderse la uñas

Why do so many people have onicophagia?

It is an emotional and behavioural disorder that may require the help of a professional. It seems to be an unimportant gesture, but in reality it can have dangerous consequences for the mouth and the rest of the body. For example, this bad habit can cause

  • Wearing out of the upper and lower incisors. Continuous biting is capable of eroding the enamel, even chipping and fracturing the pieces.
  • Alterations in the jaw. The gesture of biting the nails can also take its toll on the temporomandibular joint. The problem is that such a movement implies a forced position for the jaw and can even cause difficulty and pain in chewing food.
  • Injuries to the gums. The little pieces of nail that dance around the oral cavity can become embedded in the gum causing wounds that can end up being infected.
  • Bacterial infections. Nail biting can lead to a transfer of bacteria, increasing the risk of infections in the mouth and in the rest of the digestive system.

So if you are one of those who have this habit, onychophagy, it is worth considering a remedy and trying to solve it to maintain good health. Consult us and we will help you.


Conscious sedation is one of the best options to go to the dentist without any fear. Visiting the dentist is an act that many patients respect, even fear and anxiety. That is why at Alvarado Dental Clinic we offer our patients any dental treatment with conscious sedation.

La sedación consciente y sus beneficios

What does conscious sedation consist of?

With this treatment we manage to bring the patient to a state of maximum relaxation. In this way, any anxiety you may have when you come to our dental clinic is eliminated. Furthermore, with this treatment we achieve a double effect:

  • Eliminate pain during surgery.
  • To keep our patient totally relaxed.

The benefits of conscious sedation

At Alvarado Dental Clinic, our priority is that our patients are as comfortable and relaxed as possible when having their dental treatments. Therefore, the main benefits of conscious sedation are

  • Facilitate that our team of professionals can work for your oral health with the maximum ease and in the shortest time.
  • To reduce the patient’s anxiety and tension, inducing a state of maximum relaxation.
  • Minimize any undesired movement or reflexes.
  • The drugs used have a rapid metabolism. Therefore, the patient recovers from the sedation much faster than with general anaesthesia.

At Alvarado Dental Clinic, the health of our patients comes first, which is why we do not want them to take unnecessary risks. Thanks to conscious sedation we want patients with trauma to be able to remove, little by little, the fear of undergoing dental treatment. And therefore, to have full confidence in our professional team.


963 034 838 · 601 465 925


We are open from Monday to Friday
From 10h to 15h and from 16h to 20h
* Friday afternoon closed


Calle Colón, 58, Pta. 1
46004 · Valencia, Spain


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