Caries, as feared as it is folding

June 27, 2018 0

Caries is one of the most common and yet feared diseases. It is caused by internal factors such as saliva and external factors such as diet.

We will now look at what it is, its symptoms and what the treatment consists of.

La caries, tan temida como abatible

What is a cavity?

Caries is a bacterial infection. These bacteria secrete acids that corrode the enamel and break down the tooth. If not treated in time, this acid can reach the white tissue producing painful inflammations. Bacterial plaque also adheres to the surface of the teeth, forming tartar.

The formation of this layer is inevitable but we can work on avoiding the consequences. If we brush our teeth after meals, use mouthwash and avoid sugary foods we can significantly minimise the chances of suffering from them.

How do I know if I suffer from it?

In most cases a visual inspection is enough to detect it. It usually produces black spots on the tooth. If it is not tackled, it will advance to the point of causing extreme sensitivity to cold and heat.

In any case, in the least doubt, the ideal thing is to go to the dentist, who will give us the appropriate treatment for the state of the infection.

Treatment of caries

The treatment will depend on the state you are in. If it is superficial, it will be sufficient to remove it and treat it with a composite reconstruction. Composite is a synthetic material that reinforces the enamel and hermetically seals the holes produced by caries.

If, on the other hand, the caries has reached the dental nerve, we will have to resort to endodontics. The aim here is to replace the large loss of material from the tooth so that we will have to fill the hole with composite. In the most advanced cases of the disease, the most effective thing is to resort to a dental crown.


As we can see, if not treated in time it can cause pain and discomfort. That is why it is necessary to visit our trusted dentist at least once a year, or one visit every 6 months.

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